Daily Archives: December 3, 2015

Space Elevator, week 5

Individual Efforts:   B: I figured out my agent navigation problems and I have them correctly orienting to the user. I found NASA datasets and high resolution images that should be very easy to use as textures and normal maps for the Earth. Started working with video textures, but I […]

Eco Nut: Week 5

Eric: Environment Manager tracks items in containers and populates the environment meter accordingly Fixed bugs with picking up objects and shooting them Implemented weather effects in test environment     Tyler: Built layout of home with walls and floors Arranged furniture inside of the rooms / spaces Added creepy fish […]

Reading 12

For class 12/8/15 Post Comments by 11:59 pm on 12/6/15 A method for generating an illusion of backwards time travel using immersive virtual reality—an exploratory study Doron Friedman, Rodrigo Pizarro, Keren Or-Berkers, Solène Neyret, Xueni Pan, and Mel Slater https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Doron_Friedman/publication/264951591_A_method_for_generating_an_illusion_of_backwards_time_travel_using_immersive_virtual_reality_-_an_exploratory_study/links/5426e3b30cf2e4ce940a2a5b.pdf or http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4151165/ Here is a reference video:   Forced-choice decision-making […]