
Final Post

Upload images and videos of your final project and an image of your final poster as a JPG Describe what your project does and how it works This dress has city lights that turn on when a light sensor is exposed and dims when the light sensor is covered What […]

Weekly Update #5

Images: This is the progress of the dress so far Accomplishment: This week I spent a lot of time working on the garment rather than the programing so that I have something to start attaching the electronics on I cut out the city skyline and planned out the location of […]

Weekly Update #4

  An image or video (this could either be photograph of the current state of your work, a sketch, a diagram, etc)I   This is the drawn city skyline for the back of the dress A Listing of accomplishments made by all group members for the previous we Designed the top of […]

Weekly update #3

These additional items include: What percentage would you estimated that you have completed for your project? 20%. I have 99% of my material and I have started the overall construction process for the top and the code for the lights How much has the project changed since your initial pitch? I […]

Weekly Update #2

1. An image or video (this could either be photograph of the current state of your work, a sketch, a diagram, etc) Wanting to incorporate reflective material onto the bodice I looked into seattle fabrics. However the shipping cost was too prices. Upon further research I was able to create my […]

Weekly Update #1

1. An image or video (this could either be photograph of the current state of your work, a sketch, a diagram, etc) Attached is the intended attachment direction that t I plan on incorporating into my design. Specifically, this shows how the fiber optics will connect to the LEDs. 2. A […]