
Weekly Update #6

Accomplishments: Everything is almost done! I sewed the whole garment together, got the electronics set up and started sewing on the EL wire. Outstanding Issues: Buying a battery that is powerful enough. Plan for next week: I will be finishing sewing the EL wire onto the dress and hemming it. […]

Weekly Update #6

This past week, I completed the sewing of all velcro onto the band, which now makes secure closure and hiding of the board possible.  I also sewed on the LEDs.  This week, I just have to finish my last few stitches and attach the heart rate monitor either by soldering […]

Weekly Update #6

1. An image 2. A Listing of accomplishments made by all group members for the previous week Michael and Sam continued work on the app.  They fixed some bugs so that the app works more smoothly.  They also got the bluetooth aspect of the project working. I sewed the conductive thread […]

Weekly Update #6

On Tuesday while trying to stitch in my hardware to a sleeve, one of the wires broke off its soldering.  After trying to re-solder the wire to the sensor, the multi-core wires began to unwind and start wrapping around each other. So I decided to take apart everything, and re-wire […]

Weekly update

  Accomplishments: I finished sewing all the EL wire onto the carpet! For the 555/servo circuit, I  figured out how the protoboard should be configured, and cut the traces as needed. Finally, I cut and sewed the base of the lantern for holding the battery packs. Problems or Issues: What […]

Weekly Updates#5

Accomplishment: I adjusted the final code and now it works. If I can shake the nightdress more than 8 times in 2 seconds. The LEDs will light up. And if I lie it down which puts the board in a horizon position and keep it for more than 2 seconds […]