ReKinStruct : First Time Varying PCD

So, like I said in the last post, I had got the Kinect to obtain and view point cloud data but only manually. I updated the code a bit to do the above without intervention. Here is the link to the video of a time varying PCD that I obtained.

YouTube link :

Yes, that is me walking like a zombie. Note that I have loaded the points as PointXYZ on purpose to give a feel of the pointcloud. Loading the points as PointXYZRGBA feels like a picture and not a pointcloud.

The idea behind this is 8 PCD files named output1.pcd, output2.pcd and so on. The ReKinStruct_Snapshot.cpp code would take a snapshot once every second and save as binary PCD files with names as listed above. The Binary PCD files are constant in size (4801 KB).

The ReKinStruct_Viewer.cpp loads these files and displays them in sequence with a time delay of 1 second. It uses two pcl::PointXYZ pointers. One loads the output<even>.pcd files and the other loads the output<odd>.pcd files. So when the even-pointer is displaying the point cloud in the viewer, the odd-pointer loads the next .pcd file in the background and vice versa thus abstracting the user from the latency of loading the files.

And for some reason, Visual Studio 2010 didn’t let me use Sleep() or wait() routines. So I had to write my own API as follows.

#include <time.h>

void wait(unsigned int seconds)
     clock_t timeToWait = clock () + seconds * CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
     while (clock() < timeToWait);

Next steps would be to obtain a faster scenario and progress through the 3D viewer faster, like real-time motion.

Will keep you posted.!