ReKinStruct : First Time Varying PCD

So, like I said in the last post, I had got the Kinect to obtain and view point cloud data but only manually. I updated the code a bit to do the above without intervention. Here is the link to the video of a time varying PCD that I obtained.

YouTube link :

Yes, that is me walking like a zombie. Note that I have loaded the points as PointXYZ on purpose to give a feel of the pointcloud. Loading the points as PointXYZRGBA feels like a picture and not a pointcloud.

The idea behind this is 8 PCD files named output1.pcd, output2.pcd and so on. The ReKinStruct_Snapshot.cpp code would take a snapshot once every second and save as binary PCD files with names as listed above. The Binary PCD files are constant in size (4801 KB).

The ReKinStruct_Viewer.cpp loads these files and displays them in sequence with a time delay of 1 second. It uses two pcl::PointXYZ pointers. One loads the output<even>.pcd files and the other loads the output<odd>.pcd files. So when the even-pointer is displaying the point cloud in the viewer, the odd-pointer loads the next .pcd file in the background and vice versa thus abstracting the user from the latency of loading the files.

And for some reason, Visual Studio 2010 didn’t let me use Sleep() or wait() routines. So I had to write my own API as follows.

#include <time.h>

void wait(unsigned int seconds)
     clock_t timeToWait = clock () + seconds * CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
     while (clock() < timeToWait);

Next steps would be to obtain a faster scenario and progress through the 3D viewer faster, like real-time motion.

Will keep you posted.!

ReKinStruct: Switching Between PCDs

This week, I tried to switch visualising between two PCD files to check if it was feasible in run-time and to know how long it takes for the process. The following were the two PCD file visualisations I was trying to switch between: couch with the box and without the box.

With Box

Without Box

I tried doing this by two methods.

Method1) Load both the PCD files initially into cloud pointers. Display one and switch to another on the click of a button.

Method2) Load one PCD file and display it. On the click of a button, clear the current pointer, load the other PCD file and display it.

I am attaching videos to show how fast the process was.

Simultaneous Load:

Sequential Load:

I have loaded the Point Cloud Data without the colours (PointXYZ as opposed to PointXYZRGBA) on purpose to get a feel of the point cloud. Also please note that the time taken to switch between the point clouds is the time from when I click ‘s’ to the time it prints ‘Changing point clouds’ on the console. ‘Changing’ would have made more sense if it was ‘changed’. My apologies.

The main observations were:

1) Switching between PCD files that have already been loaded into memory was faster than loading it from the disk.

2) Loading more PCD files into memory will require a lot of RAM space. There was a mild increase in memory used in the Task Manager during Method1 than Method2 window because only two files were loaded now. I suppose there might be a scenario where we would need to switch between ten or more PCD files that might end up using a large chunk of the main memory.

The moire pattern on the wall that was far from Kinect was due to poor resolution of the Kinect with respect to distance. The coloured pictures on the top show the same PCD files without the Moire pattern as the display windows are small and hence the reduced resolution.

This week I am going to try getting more PCD files from an interesting scenario and try switching between them automatically. I hope the video looks interesting. Will keep you posted.!

Note: An interesting find was that the pcd_viewer_release.exe always loaded my PCD files in a rotated axis. I had to almost rotate the point of view by 180 degrees on the Z-axis to view the data. However, the pcd visualiser class loads the data as how the PCD was recorded ( in our case, the snapshot point cloud data). In cases where we need to rotate the Point Cloud Data while opening, the pcl::transformPointCloud() could be of use.

ReKinStruct: Obtaining Kintinuous PCD

Last week, I focussed on fixing the Kinect and started obtaining Point Cloud Data. This week I have obtained a continuous PCD using the SCENECT software. The SCENECT software is fairly easy to use and complements for not having KinFu. It obtains data from the Kinect and forms a 3D PCD by registering the frames as we move the Kinect.

Scenect Scan

The window on the right shows the frame that is being currently read from the Kinect and the window on the left shows the registered PCD. The yellow and green points on the right show the registration checkpoints for the frames. In my opinion, it is fairly good for registration and colour values. However, scanning and registration take a bit of time. For example, as you can see from the small window on the extreme left, it took around 2600 frames to register this small point cloud data. I have not worked with KinFu so I do not have anything to compare against but all in all, I think it is a good GUI to obtain data. It also offers a lot of post-processing options which I will try to figure out this week.

Below is the final PCD obtained from the scanning. Scenect Final

However, SCENECT does not readily allow us to export the scan points as a .pcd file. The easiest way to go around this is to save it as a .xyz file and write a program that reads every line containing XYZRGB values and write a .pcd. There are two ways to do this:

1. Based on the tutorial from For this method, you need to know the number of points in the cloud beforehand. This essentially means that you go throughout the .xyz file twice: first to know the number of points to create the cloud of the necessary size; second to read in the values from the .xyz file

2. The easier and the simpler solution is to just create a cloud pointer as

pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloud;

and push_back the points as and when read from the file.

( I do not know why has not written the tutorial based on the second method )

On a parallel note, I also tried playing around with the OpenNI grabber to obtain PCDs. The salient difference in using this method is that it saves a .pcd of the one frame that is being read from the Kinect at that instant of time. Thus, there is no possibility of registering frames and making a huge point cloud. For a start, I read the frame as

OpenNI Viewerand the PCD file that was saved appears something like

PCD Viewer

That is the couch and the air conditioner nearby saved as a point cloud and viewed using the pcd_viewer_release.exe given by PCL. Though this method of obtaining PCDs doesn’t have a  potential advantage over the SCENECT, the OpenNI grabber PCDs can be used to obtain time varying PCD frames. That will be my goal for the upcoming week. Try to obtain time varying point clouds (like a candle melting) and switch through them. The dream would be to switch through ‘n’ number of point clouds fast enough that it will appear like a 3D movie.! Sounds cool, right?

ReKinStruct: Installing PCL, OpenNI and other Kinect Dependencies on Windows (Tutorial)

Since I couldn’t find a simple and direct tutorial on the internet that helps compiling PCL, OpenNI and its related dependencies on a Windows machine, here goes one. Before this begins, a few clarifications.

  • Why use a Windows OS? Because I have a Kinect-for-Windows. If you are having a Kinect 360 that would work on other Operating Systems, I would suggest trying that in Linux before switching to OSX or Windows.
  • I tried installing KinFu too but had to quit as there were a lot of path errors in the CMakeLists. So, if you want KinFu specifically, I am afraid this post would not help you much. You could try installing KinFu with some help from which is the official documentation and has the kinfu app extensions (See section Downloading PCL Source Code). Best of Luck!
  • If you want to try Kinect Fusion(Microsoft’s version of the same), this post is so tally not going to help you. Installing Kinect Fusion essentially means cutting off all ties with PCL and its dependencies. So, again, Best of Luck!
  • Stick to one architecture for all installations. Since most computers these days have a 64-bit architecture, we will use the 64-bit versions for all installation packages. *If you are having a computer with a 32-bit architecture, I think it is high time you get a time machine. You have so got to travel in time.*
  • You need a good graphics card. I used an Alienware laptop with a NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M graphics card.

Step 1: Basics

Get Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 from (if you are a student, you get it for free) or get it online. It has been one of my favourite IDEs and I hope you will find it useful too. The setup installs only a 32-bit Visual Studio package. You can change it to 64-bit Debug/Release mode by choosing Build->Configuration Manager->Active Solution Platform and changing it to x64 from Win32.

Step 2: Installing PCL

Installing PCL should be fairly straightforward. You can download the setup executable  from Download the Windows
MSVC 2010 (64bit) All in One Installer. During installation, the setup will ask for the 3rd party dependencies it needs to install. Select Boost, Eigen, FLANN, Qhull, VTK. Uncheck OpenNI. We will install OpenNI in the next step from a different source. Redirect your directories in Visual Studio to point to the PCL files locations(PCL and every 3rd party dependence have their own bin, include and lib files).

Step 3: Installing Kinect Drivers

Okay, this is where it gets tricky. You need one (and only one) type of driver for the Kinect. Since we are going to stick to OpenNI, Do not try installing Microsoft Kinect SDK or KinFu.

Install OpenNI-Win64 from

Install SensorKinect-Win64 from

Install NITE-Win64 from

Try installing the latest versions of these Drivers. After installation, you should be able to see Primesense in your Device Manager with the Kinect Hardware as shown below.

Device Manager Primesense

If it does not appear so, it means the Drivers did not sync with your hardware. Try going to an older version of the Drivers. I have OpenNI, SensorKinect v5.1.2.1 and NITE 1.5.2 which are not the latest versions but these are the ones that work on my computer.

Step 4: Verification

Connect the Kinect to your laptop. Select Start->OpenNI 64-bit->Samples->NiViewer64. If step3 was successful you must now be able to see your Kinect reading in data (both depth and colour). I guess you can have a sigh of relief at this point.

Step 5: PCL program to obtain a PCD

Compile and run the example program from in Visual Studio. Again, make sure the library files and linkers are directed properly in Visual Studio. When the program runs, you must be able to see a visualisation window in which you can see the input data from the Kinect and you can save the frame as a PCD when you click ‘s’.

There you go.!

I hope the tutorial was helpful. I know it is not as simple as installing it on Linux or OSX. Reminded me of this meme through out.

sudo sandwich

Image Courtesy:

However, I hope this post makes it easy now. Have fun. Happy Kinect-ing.!

For further details, email me at I will try to help as much as I can.

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