Weekly Update #3

Accomplishments: A lot came together this week. I was able to get a carpet from Sergenian’s, cut it to size and treat the ends with fray-check. A more permanent edge treatment may be helpful, but it’s holding reasonably well for now. I cut the spring steel boning into six equal […]

Weekly update #3

For this week,  I has been working on sewing my skirt but it seems difficult for me as I’m very new to design. I was working on using pattern to cut out the fabric for my skirt but it is still very difficult for me.. Besides, i just try to […]

Weekly Update III

Progress so far is at pace. As an Estimate I would say we are 40% done, all of the electronics are collected and now are just testing the software. They can not be permanently hooked up until the shirt is done. Which is going to be a major hurdle, getting […]

Weekly Update #3

These additional items include: What percentage would you estimated that you have completed for your project? I would estimate I am about 20% of the way there, but it will pick up quickly this week because now I can get the ball rolling. How much has the project changed since […]

Weekly Update #3

This week I continued to work on coding and testing of the heart rate sensor.  The software is what I have thought and continue to think is the most difficult and time consuming part of this process, so I’m not too concerned.  I am, however, having issues getting consistent readings […]

Weekly Update #3

Accomplishments: I re-soldered the wires to the accelerometer. I connected the accelerometer and got reasonable values. I redesigned the rash guard to hide the accelerometer with 3D printed pieces that I made. I bought a rash guard instead of using the wetsuit that I bought. I decided to do this because […]

Weekly Update #3

This week I worked on writing code that would be able to 1. Find the start and stop of a rep and 2. Find the peak and average velocity from that rep. From talking to Kevin and WeightUp solutions, I decided the Olympic lifts would actually be the easiest to […]