Weekly Update #6

On Tuesday while trying to stitch in my hardware to a sleeve, one of the wires broke off its soldering.  After trying to re-solder the wire to the sensor, the multi-core wires began to unwind and start wrapping around each other. So I decided to take apart everything, and re-wire […]

Weekly update

  Accomplishments: I finished sewing all the EL wire onto the carpet! For the 555/servo circuit, I  figured out how the protoboard should be configured, and cut the traces as needed. Finally, I cut and sewed the base of the lantern for holding the battery packs. Problems or Issues: What […]

Weekly Update #6

This week I finished my cad drawings and attached the other LED strip. The soldering took up most of my time this week and it was really difficult trying to solder the neopixels. I have been working on trying to get the code to work for velocity. Even though the […]

Weekly Updates#5

Accomplishment: I adjusted the final code and now it works. If I can shake the nightdress more than 8 times in 2 seconds. The LEDs will light up. And if I lie it down which puts the board in a horizon position and keep it for more than 2 seconds […]

Weekly Update #5

The sewing is basically done and I’ve moved on to adding the lights. Everything should work together, except the EL panel which has the wrong size of a “plug” to put into the board. I’m going to cut it’s wire and weld a smaller wire onto it and weld that […]

Weekly Update #5

I was not able to get as much done this weekend as I had wanted to but the end is near. I’m designing the final pieces of the fingers and all I have left are the fingertips. After the rest of the pieces are made, I plan to attach the […]

update #5

For this week, I moved on to a new step about the component instead of being stuck at the sewing part since Marianne said that it’s more important that I can finish the component and make it work rather than sewing the skirt and I’m running out of time. Therefore, […]

weekly update 5

Progress is a little behind schedule but the schedule had a lot of time blocked out for final touches which is can be left out. The biggest setback on the electronics side was the broken microphone, which that problem is now fixed. This week will be designated to sewing the […]