New computer setup

New machine is much faster, and has plenty of space.  It seems pretty great, all around.

It took a bit to get admin access to get things installed, but that’s sorted now.

Next week I’ll be fixing the code to work from local, and then fixing code to work in general.

Code Progress

Fixed it.  I think.  Half fixed it?

It rendered.  Several times.  Buttons do what they’re supposed to.

It still crashes; seemingly always when using a dummy Rift, sometimes when using a real one.  Seems random.  Goes in streaks.  Will look into disabling timewarp — that seems to be what it’s doing when it breaks.

Motion looks strange; I don’t think the distortion-correction shaders are working correctly, chromatic and spherical distortions are very much present.

Otherwise needs some polish.  For instance, after seeing the throwing target in the Rift, I realize I’ll need to work in world instead of view coords.  This means passing in a few more uniforms, or adjusting the origin of the pointcloud scene.

I should probably look into modifying pointcloud scenes, anyway.


Code Progress

Updated to the latest Fiona version to fix one bug, maybe caused more.

Pointing the individual projects at the same libraries is getting a bit hackish; this is partly an artifact of compiling across network and local drives. It may be easier to move everything to the network; I haven’t space to keep it all local.

Everything compiles, but now requires a Rift to actually run; I suspect I’ll have a Rift to test on tomorrow.

Also, I’m assuming a square FOV for now.  The Rift’s default is pretty close, but I suspect I’ll need to find a way to force a symmetric viewport (or at least statically sized viewport). That happens somewhere in the code of the 0.4.3 tuscany demo.

Ideally the FOV would be based on the real-world physical size the viewport occupies on the screen.  This is complicated by the Rift choosing a viewport size based on calibration. I’ll test using Oculus SDK defaults until I track down the real numbers.

Painted Pointclouds

view, negative - clipped

Above is a point cloud view of the dev lab, with the second, third, and fourth unit interval marked out in yellow, cyan, and magenta, respectively.

There’s a good chance the units are meters, which would be convenient.  Needs verification.

I can also paint simple targets.  Code for adjusting IPD is in, but untested; FOV still needs a bit of thought, but not much.

Running into a crash when running in the Rift — the oculusHmd data structure never seems to be initialized. It’s possible I need to pull down new code from git, but I’ll need to juggle things to get some hard drive space first.



GOTO: Pointclouds

I’ve got the pointcloud renderer compiling locally, but on execution it looks like one of the (many) linked-to libraries was compiled with VS2013 instead of the VS2010 I’m using … I’ll wrestle with it some more next week.

Naveen’s pointed out some suitable test files, and Ross suggests modifying shaders for the “painting” effect; so: thanks guys, that’ll help speed things along.

That leaves:
– getting things to actually run (sorting out dll troubles)
– getting things to show on the oculus
– making sure all the needed sensors are available

Which should probably be done next week.

Oculus Rift is free on Unity (but fidgity)

Oculus released a new thing that works with the free version of Unity. It provides a camera that can be dropped into any scene to make it Rift-friendly.

– old apps (including the official Unity demo) flicker like crazy — it looks like every other frame is black (which makes things too dark — taking the Rift off is like stepping out of a dim cave)
– new apps (ones I make myself) have a weird oscillating “double vision” effect, with the distance between the two images increasing with head movement speed (this makes me a little sick if I focus on it)
– there’s what looks like a screen-tear seam in the right fourth of the right eye (this is probably minor)
– importing assets from Sketchup has yet to be successful (it looks like you have to do something weird for textures, and I haven’t done it right yet)

The second one is the biggest problem; there are rumors of fixes online (forcing DX11, or turning off timewarp), but neither seemed to work.

I’ve also tried Unreal, which claims it’s building a Rift-capable exe, but on execution it doesn’t seem to notice the Rift.

Both are pretty undocumented, as regards Rift integration.

Shelving them for now; maybe they’ll fix themselves while I do other things.

Going to look at painting pointclouds next, I think.

IPD and FOV in the Official Oculus Sample

Here’s a some screenshots of OculusWorldDemo, showing a bit of how the post-render, pre-warp shaders interact with FOV and IPD — and the larger system that the functions I’ve been hijacking are meant to be a part of.

(Note: the demo was targeting the DK1)

The defaults:


With “zero IPD” toggled:

zero IPD

Max FOV at 45.4 degrees (can’t go lower than 20, which is similar):

max FOV 45.4 degrees

Max FOV at 130 degrees (it goes higher, but you see no change):

max FOV 130 degrees


These are just the things easily exposed in the demo’s menu; they don’t do exactly what we’d want to test.

“Zero IPD” is described as:

 // ForceZeroIpd does three things:
 // 1) Sets FOV to maximum symmetrical FOV based on both eyes
 // 2) Sets eye ViewAdjust values to 0.0 (effective IPD == 0)
 // 3) Uses only the Left texture for rendering.

So that’s about what we’d expect to see.

Max FOV is used similarly to the clamping function mentioned in earlier posts, and is an FovPort; it looks here that FovPorts may have more viewport to them, than FOV.

Things that Render a Scene

It’s still not clear exactly how best to build modified FOVs.  We need more complicated scenes; here are a few things we might use to generate them:


Unity has a nice editor, and we can expect students to be familiar with it.  I don’t think we get source code.

Unity claims they’ll have Rift support for free users soon.  That was in September.

Unity pro already has support, and costs either $75 / month (with a 12 month contract), or $1,500.  That’s per component; if we want the base and android, that’s $150 / month, or $3,000.

For educational licencing, we could contact them as suggested on the official site:

Or purchase from the official reseller:

They offer all components in a watermarked version for $150 per year, individual components for a one-time $750, or all components for a one-time $1,999; we’d want the main component, and maybe android or ios.

These are all pre-orders for Unity 5.

Studica claims all of their discounts end on October 31st, 2014.

Unreal Engine

With this we get source; it’s unclear how it compares to Unity.  They also have a visual editor, and some weird pegs-and-wires visual programming system that I’m a little curious to see in the wild, how it shapes the way people think about programming.

Free to students via the Github Student Developer Pack.  They’ve given me access for a year; I think there’s some kind of renewal process after.

Free to schools by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

Non-educational licences are $20 / month; with both educational and non-, they claim 5% of your profits if you launch a commercial product.

Just Load Something and Draw It

Both of those will sometimes be inflexible; even with the full source code of Unreal, even simple modifications mean a lot of learning their system.  Implicit in the act of research is doing things established engines don’t expect.

For quick tests and simple scenes, we might want a really barebones way to load, manipulate, and render models.  For that, I’m looking at Open Asset Import Library.

I haven’t yet had time to look at these in detail; a future post may have some kind of comparison.

Quick update, and a rift projection simulator

Current plan is to go ahead without the Oculus SDK’s clamping; worst case, we can compare against default Oculus renders.

This means the next step is finding scenes to display — I’m going to take a quick look at Unity and Unreal, while integrating with our in-house code.

Also, there’s a guy (Oliver Kreylos, of UC Davis and Vrui) who made a simulator of sorts for the Rift’s optics.  Interesting for at least two reasons:

1. It might be useful to build something similar ourselves, to ease exploration and explanation.

2. He’s really gung-ho about eye tracking, but concedes (to his blog commenters) that placing the virtual camera in the center of the eyeball (rather than an unknown pupil) is an okay approximation.  It results in the point of focus being properly aligned, and the Rift’s lenses help to minimize off-focus distortion.

In the following pictures, the eyes are focused on the top corner of the diamond.  Green is the actual shape and incoming light; purple is the perceived path of light and perceived shape.

Centered at “rest” pupil (and poorly calibrated?):

bad calibration, uncentered


Centered in the eye, but no lenses:

eye centered no lenses


Centered, with lenses:

eye centered yes lenses


His posts and videos here:

First link talks about the Rift in general (20 mins); the second link talks about centering the virtual camera within the eye (5 mins).

Rift: Modifying the Projection / FOV part 2

I’ve found a path by which the Oculus SDK generates the field of view (FOV):

CalculateFovFromHmdInfo calls CalculateFovFromEyePosition, then ClampToPhysicalScreenFov.  (It also clamps eye relief to a max of 0.006 meters, which is thus far not reproduced in my code.)

All from OVR_Stereo.cpp/.h.

CalculateFovFromEyePosition calculates the FOV as four tangents from image center — up, down, left and right.  Each is simply the offset from image center (lens radius + the eye offset from lens center) divided by the eye relief (distance from eye to lens surface).  It also does that weird correction for eye rotation mentioned in an earlier post; the max of the corrected and uncorrected tangents are used.

ClampToPhysicalScreenFov estimates the physical screen FOV from a distortion (via GetPhysicalScreenFov).  It returns the min of an input FOV and the estimated physical FOV.

Last week’s images were made using Calculate, but not Clamp. Clamping makes my FOV match the default, but adds odd distortions outside of certain bounds for eye relief (ER) and offsets from image center (which I’m deriving from interpupillary distance (IPD).  I haven’t yet thought much about why, but here’s some quick observations in the direction of when (all values in meters):

Values for ER less than -0.0018 result in a flipped image (the flipping is expected for negative values, so we would expect this to happen as soon as we dip below 0; the surprise is that it waits so long).

Values of ER greater than 0.019 cause vertical stretch, fairly uniform in magnitude between top and bottom, and modest rate of increase.  It seems fairly gradual with the current stimulus.

Those both hold fairly well for all values of IPD.  However, bounds on IPD are sensitive to ER.

At negative values up to -0.0018, IPD doesn’t cause distortions (tested for values >1 and <-0.7).  It’s clearly entered some kind of weird state with negative ERs; something to keep in mind for future debugging / modeling, but we shouldn’t need negative ER directly.

At ER of 0.0001, IPD distorts outside of range 0.0125 to 0.1145.

At ER of 0.01, IPD distorts outside of range 0.034 to 0.094.  (This ER is the Oculus SDK’s default.)

At ER of 0.019, IPD distorts outisde of range 0.0535 to 0.075.

Large IPD cause the image of both eyes to stretch away from the nose, small values towards.  The distortion is drastic and increases fairly quickly with distance from the “safe” range of IPD values.

These ranges might be a little restrictive for our concerns, but should be workable; another worry is that the distortions may imply the clamping method itself is flawed.

We’ll also need to be aware of when things get clamped when designing experiments that care about specific values for IPD and ER.