
Weekly Update #4

Progress made this past week: lining material sewn together facings added to jacket test fitting (slim) coding for light up pocket function copied and applied to a second set of pins on the lilypad arduino pockets patterned What needs accomplishing: wiring diagram pattern cuffs (no longer using a clear cording […]

Weekly Update #4

1. 2. A Listing of accomplishments made by all group members for the previous week Sam: Did a lot of work on the app.  He got the drop down menu of the app to work as well as the populating of the words that are programmed in.  Sam also accomplished that […]

This week, I have really been struggling to get the equations of motions down, to give me accurate readings. I have the device set up to pretty reliably start and stop reading when I want it to, however I cannot get it to display any reasonable velocity readings. Hopefully this […]

Weekly update #4

Accomplishments: I was able to work on the 555 chip circuit for controlling the servo motor following the tutorial on . It was a bit challenging to find all the parts, I ended up going to several locations in town and making two different orders online. After completing some […]

Weekly Update #4

  An image or video (this could either be photograph of the current state of your work, a sketch, a diagram, etc)I   This is the drawn city skyline for the back of the dress A Listing of accomplishments made by all group members for the previous we Designed the top of […]

Weekly Update #4

An image or video  Same physical state as last week.   A Listing of accomplishments made by all group members for the previous week I made great progress in figuring out how to heat the dress (what batteries, etc) with Jess.   A description of problems encountered and outstanding issues […]

Weekly Update #3

Progress Made this past week: Lining material cut coding successfully done bellows patch pocket concept researched ideas on where to integrate the electronics What needs accomplishing: Need to find a sewable material to conduct light through the cuff bands (plastic cording essentially) find a better dedicated power source for my […]

Weekly Update #3

The leggings are done and the shirt is almost finished! I think I’ve solved the mystery of “where to put the zipper/how to connect the shirt to the pants/which shirt should use the hood.” I’m going to attach the hood to the black crop top, put an invisible zipper in […]

Weekly Update#3

Last week I adjusted the testing code for the last time and the test on the testing fabric went well. It showed that when put the fabric( nightdress) vertically, the output of Z direction is around 500. When shaking the fabric, the out put of Z direction is between 400-600. […]