Additional Posting Items for April 3rd

For your posting for April 3rd, in addition to your normal posting items, we would like you to answer these questions What percentage would you estimated that you have completed for your project? How much has the project changed since your initial pitch? What major hurdles do you have left? […]

Weekly Update #3

1. 2. A Listing of accomplishments made by all group members for the previous week Sam: Got the text to speech aspect of the app to work and the app is able to locally store key mappings. Michael: Finished doing a test run of the button with the conductive ink […]

Weekly Update #3

An image or video (this could either be photograph of the current state of your work, a sketch, a diagram, etc)  Current state of heating elements   A Listing of accomplishments made by all group members for the previous week The dress is complete except for the zipper, I shortened […]

Weekly update #3

These additional items include: What percentage would you estimated that you have completed for your project? 20%. I have 99% of my material and I have started the overall construction process for the top and the code for the lights How much has the project changed since your initial pitch? I […]

Weekly Update 2

For the past week I’ve mainly been focused on the apparel structure of the project rather than the electronics. I’ve been playing with the electronics a little bit, but won’t apply them until the entire outfit is complete. I’ve been working on the paperwork for the top and been trying […]

Weekly Update II

I am now working on detecting bad posture and gait. My fall detection algorithm works. It does have a few quirks but those happen rarely. Now I plan to work on gait detection.     Roadblocks : 1).   Developing an algorithm that detects bad gait is more challenging since […]

Weekly Update I

So far I have been waiting for my materials to arrive. So in the meantime I decided to work on the software part of my project. I have been working on the app that will connect my phone with the shoe and extend its functionality.  I also decided to to add […]