
Final Post

IMG_6901.MOV My project is a basic fitness tracker that uses heart rate data to drive different LEDs.  For a low heart rate, or a heart rate below the target zone, the RGB blinks blue at the user’s heart rate.  For a heart rate in the zone, it blinks green at […]

Weekly Update #6

This past week, I completed the sewing of all velcro onto the band, which now makes secure closure and hiding of the board possible.  I also sewed on the LEDs.  This week, I just have to finish my last few stitches and attach the heart rate monitor either by soldering […]

Weekly Update #5

This past week, I began the construction of the physical piece.  As I planned, I sewed the two wristbands together, but only after deconstruction the bulkier wristband.  This cut down on the bulk of what will be the final product, leaving me with a flap to cover the board instead […]

Weekly Update #4

I don’t really have any new images as this week I still continued to work out the final kinks in my code.  I am pretty sure I’m about ready to go with the software portion of this project, so this week I intend to progress solely onto the implementation into […]

Weekly Update #3

This week I continued to work on coding and testing of the heart rate sensor.  The software is what I have thought and continue to think is the most difficult and time consuming part of this process, so I’m not too concerned.  I am, however, having issues getting consistent readings […]

Weekly Update #2

This most recent week of class, I was able to finally get to implementing code and testing the heart rate sensor now that it finally came in later in the previous week. Once I got the code all set to go, I used alligator clips to get the connections set […]

Weekly Update #1

This week, I was hoping to have my pulse sensor in by Thursday, but unfortunately that was not the case. So, I continued research into materials for the wristband, and at this point, I am leaning towards some sort of elastic sweatband (perhaps moisture wicking). I am thinking about adding […]

Final Project – Gallaher

Project Title SeeFit Tracker Project Team Members Connor Gallaher Project Description A wrist-worn wearable that monitors heart rate and basic movements, driving output through LEDs that give the user visualization of heart rate zones, as well as progress in their workout. Sketch/Concept Art Inspiration Materials and Costs Pulse Sensor – […]