Weekly update #4

Accomplishments: I was able to work on the 555 chip circuit for controlling the servo motor following the tutorial on makezine.com/projects/projects-in-motion-control-three-types-of-motors-with-555-timers/ . It was a bit challenging to find all the parts, I ended up going to several locations in town and making two different orders online. After completing some […]

Weekly Update #4

  An image or video (this could either be photograph of the current state of your work, a sketch, a diagram, etc)I   This is the drawn city skyline for the back of the dress A Listing of accomplishments made by all group members for the previous we Designed the top of […]

Weekly Update #4

An image or video  Same physical state as last week.   A Listing of accomplishments made by all group members for the previous week I made great progress in figuring out how to heat the dress (what batteries, etc) with Jess.   A description of problems encountered and outstanding issues […]

Weekly Update #3

Progress Made this past week: Lining material cut coding successfully done bellows patch pocket concept researched ideas on where to integrate the electronics What needs accomplishing: Need to find a sewable material to conduct light through the cuff bands (plastic cording essentially) find a better dedicated power source for my […]

Weekly Update #3

The leggings are done and the shirt is almost finished! I think I’ve solved the mystery of “where to put the zipper/how to connect the shirt to the pants/which shirt should use the hood.” I’m going to attach the hood to the black crop top, put an invisible zipper in […]

Weekly Update#3

Last week I adjusted the testing code for the last time and the test on the testing fabric went well. It showed that when put the fabric( nightdress) vertically, the output of Z direction is around 500. When shaking the fabric, the out put of Z direction is between 400-600. […]

Weekly Update III

I have completed the software portion of my project but I will keep adding more features. Right now I am building the hardware, so I estimate that about 70-80%  of the work is complete. Nothing has changed since the initial pitch, I just decided to add more functionality. However, now I am […]

Weekly Update #3

There wasn’t a lot of progress this week due to another class having a major Project due but I am very confident in the work that was done. The engines were attached to the light ring that will reflect off the newly sculpted clear fan blades. Even if the fan […]

Weekly Update #3

Done this week: The test poncho is sewn, which gives me a sense of size and lets me test for weight. I’ve tested all the candidate fasteners as parts of simple circuits (lighting a single LED), and they all work fine.  Some of the stronger magnets require a fair effort […]